The February 2011 stories at the main FCP web site: (1) The body armor worn by Alexander the Great and his army was made of linen, not metal, and yet it could stop a sharp blade or an arrow, something that the modern-day body armor Kevlar cannot do. The image here shows modern-day investigators of the linen body armor: student Scott Bartell, wearing a reconstruction of the linen body armor has been shot by fellow investigator Professor Gregory Aldrete of University of Wisconsin - Green Bay. This image is from the web site of Aldrete, given below. (2) What causes the “singing” of wires (such as power-line wires) in a wind, as sung by Glen Campbell in the classic Wichita Lineman? (3) Icicle formation is not well understood. Less understood are why ripples form on them and slowly migrate upward. (4) The pub trick of the month: Push a ketchup packet into a water bottle; screw the top back on the bottle. How can you make the packet float at any level in the water? (5) My old article about strategies of finding your way thorough a maze, whether simple or complex.
Aldrete's web site: http://www.uwgb.edu/aldreteg/Linothorax
FCP main site: http://www.flyingcircusofphysics.com/ (stories, links, references)
FCP facebook (public) site: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Flying-Circus-of-Physics/339329532602?v=wall&ref=ts (my photos and videos)
Labels: Alexander the Great body armor was linen, pub trick of the month, ripples on icicles, strategies for a maze, wires singing in the wind
Jearl: Your link to
Instead the site suggests:
which seems to be correct.
Thanks. I appreciate that.
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