Saturday, January 31, 2015

February 2015 stories at FCP

February 2015 stories at FCP: (1) Café wall illusion --- an illusion of tilting first seen on the wall of a Bristol café. (2) Overinflating a tire can result in a dramatic and possibly fatal explosion. (3) Giant Lego towers have been built. What sets the limit to the height? (4) Pub trick --- using thermal stress to open a wine bottle.

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Friday, January 02, 2015

January 2015 Flying Circus of Physics stories

January 2015 stories at the main FCP site: (1) Why does a gentle tap on the top of an open bottle of beer result in a dramatic eruption of foam? (2) Why physics might allow you to stay on the top of a bull? (3) The tragic collapse of a section of the Mianus Bridge was due to the suspension method and the torqueing by cars and trucks. (4) A simple demonstration of sliding fingers beneath a meter stick is a lesion in friction, torque, and center of mass. FCP main site

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